This page is provided to support you in accessing the wide variety of resources that can be helpful in implementing local Navigating Change plans. Math. Navigating Change Welcome to the 2020 Virtual KSDE Summer Leadership Conference for administrators and leaders of special education, early childhood and title programs. Please view the recorded sessions and submit questions using the link provided . Facilities should limit capacity to allow for 6’ social distancing. This tutorial is one way that leadership teams can begin to choose an indicator based on data and need. Current users will be given full free access to News-2-You, Symbol Stix Prime, Positivity and L3 Skills- added 3/25/20, Support for Students with Visual Impairment/Blindness from KSSB, Resources for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities updated 3/26/2020, COVID-19 Resources from The Autism Society of America, Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) At-Home Learning Resources- added 4/23/220, Engaging Families In Continuous Learning: Tips For Educators- added 4/29/2020, Learning From Home: Five Tips for Success- added 4/2/2020, How to Support Students Learning at Home- added 3/30/2020, A Parent’s Guide to Virtual Learning: 4 Actions to Improve Your Child’s Experience With Online Learning from NCLD - added 3/25/20, Supporting All Learners: Resources for Families and Caregivers of Children with Special Needs, Technology Tools to Enhance School-Home Communication, Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) and Building Resilience, Trauma, Toxic Stress, and Caregiver Well-Being Training Facilitation Guide, Kansas MTSS & Alignment Identified Behavior & Social Emotional Learning Critical Standards - added 4/20/20, Tips for Teaching SEL Online from Institute for SEL, Teaching Self-Regulation in a Home Learning Environment from the Kansans Can Competency Framework- added 4/1/2020, Teaching Assertiveness in a Home Learning Environment from the Kansans Can Competency Framework- added 4/1/2020, Teaching Self-Efficacy in a Home Learning Environment from the Kansans Can Competency Framework- added 4/22/2020, Teaching Conflict Management in a Home Learning Environment from the Kansans Can Competency Framework- added 4/22/2020, How Schools Ensure Social Connections During Physical Isolation webinar from REL West - added 4/30/20, Planning for Long-Term Virtual Learning if COVID-19 Extends School Closures from Education Elements - added 3/24/20, Wading Through a Sea of Ambiguity: Charting a Course for Special Education Services During a Pandemic from NASP, Teaching Special Education Online During COVID-19 from CEC aired March 20, 2020, Smart Data, Safe Students: Harnessing Data While Protecting Student Privacy from Infinitec, All Things Chrome (6 part webinar) from Infinitec, CDC Schools Decision Tree for Opening Schools, COVID-19 Compensatory Services Decision Tree, Contingency Planning Step by Step for 2020-2021 School Year. Navigating Change guidelines. It is important to note the list of KSDE- approved virtual programs and See notes Note communication from public/families (concern, response needs): N/A Recommendation: Continue universal mask usage, social distancing, symptom … This is in addition to and is provided to support the guidance provided by the Kansas State Department of Education. The recommendations in the document are () This page is provided to support you in accessing the wide variety of resources that can be helpful in implementing local Navigating Change plans. NaVIGaTING CHaNGE: KaNSaS’ GUIDE TO LEaRNING aND SCHOOL SaFETY OPERaTIONS Operations 1046 Kansas State Department of Education | The intent of this section is to create a template to guide local discussion regarding reopening school. REOTE LEARNIN. Presentation Topic: COVID-19: Navigating Change - an unprecedented challenge for Risk and Audit Considerations . Kansas State Board of Education members at their December virtual meeting accepted a recommendation to modify the Navigating Change guidance to allow for elementary school students to remain in an in-person or hybrid learning environment even when county metrics recommend a remote only learning environment – if school districts adhere to established safety protocols. 1084 Kansas State Department of Education | APPNDIX NAVIgATINg CHANgE: KANSAS' guIDE TO EARNINg AND SCHOO SAfETY OPERATIONS Back to Top As the information regarding SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) is rapidly evolving, KCWK intends for this to be a working document. Kansas State Department of Education graphic, Last modified on Wednesday, 15 July 2020 15:30, © 2020 KVOE All Rights Reserved. Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: KSDE Special Education COVID-19 Updates can be found on this page, documents are updated regularly - continuously updated. 4 Kansas State Department of Education | . Kansas State Department of Education added a new photo. 2020-21 GATING CRITERIA Blue Valley’s Board of Education adopted the Kansas State Department of Education’s (“KSDE”) Navigating Change Criteria using the most localized data available. Designed By Frank and Erren, « More Kansas counties seeing confirmed cases of vesicular stomatitis in livestock, CORONAVIRUS: Governor announces plan to delay school openings by three weeks; area superintendents begin to weigh in ». Facilities should limit capacity to allow for 6’ social distancing. FACT SHEET. Blue Valley’s Board of Education adopted the Kansas State Department of Education’s (“KSDE”) Navigating Change Criteria in August and remains committed to utilizing this criteria for learning mode decisions. Using current data from the Kansas State Department of Health and Environment (KDHE), the district is in the ORANGE. Following the outbreak of COVID-19,organisations and their ways of working are evolving rapidly – and in ways that had not been previously envisioned. 2019 SFSP Kickoff Webinar. It says hybrid models should be used when there are "moderate" community restrictions for COVID-19 and schools are alternating between on-site and remote learning. All students are eligible and there is no additional cost to select this option. For other grade levels, please consult the Assessment section of your grade-band and the higher or lower grade band for differentiation opportunities for grades 2-3, 5-6, and 8-9. Full document (PDF) Modified Dec.14, 2020. coursework provided by a KSDE- approved virtual program or school. Kansas Schools Gating Criteria guidance is now available on the KSDE... website within the “Navigating Change 2020: Kansas’ Guide to Learning and School Safety Operations” document. KSDE Navigating Change Website - continuously updated, Recording of KSDE March 19 press briefing introducing the Continuous Learning Guidance Document- added 3/19/20, KSDE Special Education COVID-19 Updates can be found on this page, documents are updated regularly - continuously updated, Webinar Series Focused on Providing Resources, Tools, and Practices to Enhance the Continuity of Learning During COVID-19 for Children with Disabilities - added 7/1/20, National Center for Systemic Improvement COVID-19 Guidance Database - added 4/22/20, Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center COVID-19 Guidance Database - added 4/22/20, Supplemental Fact Sheet Addressing the Risk of COVID-19 in Preschool, Elementary and Secondary Schools While Serving Children with Disabilities (March 21, 2020)- added 3/21/20, COVID-19 ("Coronavirus") Information and Resources for Schools and School Personnel - added 3/20/20, Questions and Answers on Providing Services to Children with Disabilities During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Outbreak (March 12, 2020)- added 3/12/20, ESU Moving Teaching Online - added 5/18/20, Center on Online Learning and Students with Disabilities - added 3/27/20, An Educator’s Guide to Virtual Learning: 4 Actions to Support Students With Disabilities and Their Families from NCLD - added 3/25/30, Links of Resources for Shifting Instruction Online from Illustrative Mathematics - added 3/20/20, Tool Kit for Making the Transition to Online from the CEEDAR Center - added 3/20/20, Ditch that Textbook- Resource to Support Teachers with eLearning - added 3/20/20, Google Sheet of Online Resources for Students who Receive Specialized Instruction, Including Resources for Gifted/Enrichment - added 3/20/20, Resources from Kansas Association of Special Education Administrators (KASEA) - added 3/20/20, Digital Citizenship from KSDE - added 3/20/20, Helping Your Child with Routines at Home from TIES Center - added 11/20/20, Helping Your Child with the Foundations of Communication at Home from TIES Center - added 11/20/20, Helping Your Child with Communication at Home from TIES Center - added 11/20/20, Helping Your Child with Academics from the TIES Center - added 11/20/20, Supports for Students who are Deaf/Hard of Hearing from Kansas School for the Deaf - added 4/7/20, Supports for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities from Arkansas Department of Education - added 4/2/20, Unique Learning System (ULS) is offering free trial for the rest of this school year. The board also approved new district gating criteria that will potentially allow elementary schools to be in-person in the red zone. Recording of KSDE March 19 press briefing introducing the Continuous Learning Guidance Document - added 3/19/20. Remote models should be used when COVID-19 community restrictions are at high levels and school activities are restricted to essential staff and activities. On-Site following Navigating Change guidelines. Navigating Change 2020 HS Mathematics Classification High School Competency Standards Numbers and Quantities HS 1.1 Apply and interpret units while modeling problems, formulas, graphs and data to ensure a sensible outcome NQ.1,2,3 Algebra Concepts HS … Navigating Change: Kansas' Guide to Learning and School Safety Operations Navigating Change Appendix Kansas MTSS & Alignment Recommended Documents for Navigating Change. KSDE Navigating Change Website - continuously updated. Please contact Joann McRell for additional information at
[email protected] or 785.296.2144. The “Navigating Change 2020” draft guidance was released to the State Board of Education, which is scheduled to vote … Four Effective Mathematics Practices: Adaptations for All Learning Environments Webinar Link. Reopening school guidance released by KSDE. Navigating Change 2020 KANSAS’ GUIDE TO LEARNING AND SCHOOL SAFETY OPERATIONS Kansas Schools Gating Criteria GREEN LEARNING School Activities On-Site following Navigating Change guidelines. Virtual Education Student: The student completes assignments and . Facilities should limit capacity to allow for 6’ social distancing. Introduction and Table of Contents (PDF) Modified Sept. 21, 2020; Remote Learning (PDF) Modified Sept. 23, 2020; Grade Band Pre-K-2 (PDF) Modified Aug. 27, 2020; Grade Band 3-5 (PDF) Modified Aug. 27, 2020 Schools need to monitor students daily for signs and symptoms of illness and send students home promptly if they are ill. Like hybrid models, social distancing should be enforced, group sizes will meet local standards and spectator events will be disallowed. KSDE Resources. KSDE Special Education and Title Services (SETS). School Nutrition Programs July 1, 2020 ... KSDE Navigating Change 2020 Re-opening Plan. KSDE Navigating Change Website - continuously updated Students take all of their coursework online. The accompanying facilitation guide can be found here. The Kansas State Department of Education’s resource, Navigating Change: Kansas’ Guide to Learning and School Safety Operations was created to help support schools as they plan for reentry into the 2020-2021 school year. The Kansas State Board of Education has signed off on the Department of Education's massive missive on helping schools get through the coronavirus pandemic this upcoming fall. These are on pages 573-580 of the Navigating Change 2020 document. The Kansas State Department of Education released Tuesday a draft of its recommendations for schools to reopen in the fall. It is not a one-size-fits-all document. Webinar Description: Many students with autism continue their education after high school through vocational or technical training, community college, or at universities. The board approved "Navigating Change 2020," a nearly 1,100-page document with instructional guidance based on so-called grade bands and operational guidance on common spaces, overall facilities, food service, health, transportation, extracurricular and co-curricular activities and other matters. Building Computational Fluency Webinar Link. Updates document (PDF) Modified Dec.14, 2020; SECTIONS. State education officials Tuesday released their guidance to help start the new school year amid the COVID-19 pandemic, but the leaders emphasized that local districts with local input will decide how their schools will reopen. The more than 1,000-page document, titled “Navigating Change: Kansas’ Guide to Learning and School Safety Operations,” was developed entirely by Kansans. Kansas State Board of Education members at their August board meeting approved updates to the guidance document, “Navigating Change: Kansas’ Guide to Learning and School Safety Operations,” which included a tool that districts can use to help determine when to implement different learning environments in response to COVID-19 activity in their areas. Funded by The KSDE gating criteria provides five data points instead of the two data points in Johnson County’s gating criteria. NOTE: The following recommendations are subject to change by actions of federal, state, county, or local authorities. The Kansas State Board of Education on Wednesday, July 15, accepted a guidance document developed to help schools reopen safely and deliver education through multiple learning environments as the need arises. NAVIGATIN CHANGE: KANSAS UIDE TO EARNIN ND SCHOO SAFET OPERATIONS. Can the school still meet COVID-19 safety precautions as recommended in KSDE Navigating Change? Recommendations will require updates as new evidence emerges. Under hybrid models, spectator events are not allowed, social distancing is enforced and group sizes will meet local guidelines. No all school activities. The board approved "Navigating Change 2020," a nearly 1,100-page document with instructional guidance based on so-called grade bands and operational guidance on common spaces, overall facilities, food service, health, transportation, extracurricular and co-curricular activities and other matters. On-Site. This is in addition to and is provided to support the guidance provided by the Kansas State Department of Education. Navigating Change: Kansas' Guide to Learning and School Safety Operations. NAVIGATING CHANGE: KANSAS’ GUIDE TO LEARNING AND SCHOOL SAFETY OPERATIONS H E A LTH OPERATIONS Kansas State Department of Education | 1007 y Examine equipment such as thermometers to determine if adjustments need to be made to increase sterilization and minimize chances of reinfection or if new equipment is needed. Resource Description This slide deck is for use when presenting the Trauma, Toxic Stress, and Caregiver Well-Being: Practices for Fostering Resilience in Children/Youth and Caregivers training. You are not logged in. On instructional matters, "Navigating Change" highlights three different kinds of learning environments -- on-site, hybrid and remote. KSDE “Navigating Change” August updates Kansas Doctors School Gating Criteria (8.11.2020, pptx) KSDE “FAQs on Executive Order 20-59” (8.6.2020) KSHSAA Considerations for Return to School Activities (7.22.2020) KSHSAA Activity-Specific Risk Mitigation Considerations (7.22.2020) Small group activities limited; masks and social KANSAS STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, Child Nutrition & Wellness Monthly Update Kansas leads the world in the success of each student. KSDE says local districts with local input will decide how their schools will reopen. Teams must watch the above video FIRST before moving on to the other core function presentations. Administered by the Pittsburg State University, Webinar Series Focused on Providing Resources, Tools, and Practices to Enhance the Continuity of Learning During COVID-19 for Children with Disabilities, Current Kansas APR Reports (Login Required), KSDE SETS Special Education Quarterly Meetings, Kansas Special Education Administrators' Guide and Resources, Secondary Transition Webinars and Workshops, Recording of KSDE March 19 press briefing introducing the Continuous Learning Guidance Document, KSDE Special Education COVID-19 Updates can be found on this page, documents are updated regularly, National Center for Systemic Improvement COVID-19 Guidance Database, Supplemental Fact Sheet Addressing the Risk of COVID-19 in Preschool, Elementary and Secondary Schools While Serving Children with Disabilities (March 21, 2020), COVID-19 ("Coronavirus") Information and Resources for Schools and School Personnel, Questions and Answers on Providing Services to Children with Disabilities During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Outbreak (March 12, 2020), Center on Online Learning and Students with Disabilities, An Educator’s Guide to Virtual Learning: 4 Actions to Support Students With Disabilities and Their Families, Links of Resources for Shifting Instruction Online, Tool Kit for Making the Transition to Online, Ditch that Textbook- Resource to Support Teachers with eLearning, Resources from Kansas Association of Special Education Administrators (KASEA), Helping Your Child with the Foundations of Communication at Home, Helping Your Child with Communication at Home, Supports for Students who are Deaf/Hard of Hearing, Supports for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities, Unique Learning System (ULS) is offering free trial for the rest of this school year, Support for Students with Visual Impairment/Blindness, Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) At-Home Learning Resources, Learning From Home: Five Tips for Success, A Parent’s Guide to Virtual Learning: 4 Actions to Improve Your Child’s Experience With Online Learning, Kansas MTSS & Alignment Identified Behavior & Social Emotional Learning Critical Standards, Teaching Self-Regulation in a Home Learning Environment from the Kansans Can Competency Framework, Teaching Self-Efficacy in a Home Learning Environment from the Kansans Can Competency Framework, Teaching Conflict Management in a Home Learning Environment from the Kansans Can Competency Framework, How Schools Ensure Social Connections During Physical Isolation, Planning for Long-Term Virtual Learning if COVID-19 Extends School Closures from Education Elements, Wading Through a Sea of Ambiguity: Charting a Course for Special Education Services During a Pandemic, Teaching Special Education Online During COVID-19, Smart Data, Safe Students: Harnessing Data While Protecting Student Privacy. "Navigating Change" says temperature checks should happen daily for staff members and employees with fevers should be sent home immediately. Better than 1,000 people with education ties helped to craft the document, which KSDE says was created around two guiding questions: how the state keeps students, educators and community members as safe as possible and how the state ensures every student is learning and getting needed supports regardless of the learning environment. In the guidance, remote learning is defined as learning from home and not entering the school building at all. KSDE Special Education and Title Services (SETS). The Kansas State Department of Education has released a draft of its plan for reopening schools in the fall with the coronavirus pandemic. Sports and music activities will continue with mitigation measures, following Thursday’s special school board meeting. Kansas State Department of Education’s (“KSDE”) Navigating Change Criteria, students in the in-person setting may experience three recommended learning modes. 2019 SFSP What to Expect When You Are Inspected Webinar. Courses are designed and taught by Blue Valley teachers. Understanding the Navigating Change Document These guides, training and support videos, and easy-to-use resources are designed to provide you with support in understanding and use the Navigating Change Document, issued by the Kansas State Board of Education in July 2020. Kansas Schools Gating Criteria guidance is now available on the KSDE website within the “Navigating Change 2020: Kansas’ Guide to Learning and School Safety Operations” document. KSDE Navigation Change plan “The idea is to basically say, “Here’s what the districts can do, here’s what the parents can do to try to make sure the child is … The plan is called “Navigating Change 2020.” The State Board of Education is expected to vote on the plan Wednesday. Documents for Navigating Change plans remote Learning is defined as Learning from home not. New district gating criteria regularly - continuously updated taught by Blue Valley teachers board of Education added new. Updated regularly - continuously updated can begin to choose an indicator based on data and need local! Is enforced and group sizes will meet local guidelines Department of Education is expected to vote on the is. 6 ’ social distancing should be enforced, group sizes will meet standards... Will reopen members and employees with fevers should be sent home immediately 573-580 of the Navigating Change, 2020 KSDE... 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