3:34). The point is that not much weight should be placed on this passage. Also, Jesus said that David spoke by the Holy Spirit (Matt 22:43; cf. Acts 2:30).21. He is said to be eternal (Heb 9:14; only God is eternal), omniscient (1 Cor 2:10-11), and is actually referred to as God (Acts 5:3-4; 1 Cor 3:16; 6:19-20). 3 "Th e Importanc of th Doctrin Trinity for Church Lif and Theology," The Download the PDF of this paper here: Spirit Renewed Ecclesiology (The Contribution of Moltmann’s Pneumatology for the Church) . Each church with its beliefsand missions different from the other churches. Pneumatology 2 the truth about the third member of the Trinity. But veryoften spirituality - and by extension pneumatology - is understood in the wrongsense, as an idealistic philosophical category, as a way of life distinct from,or in opposition to, the material life; as if it referred to the spirit of"human beings" and not to the Spirit of "God", which in thebiblical sense (2 … A. Because of common sense, the early church understood God’s Spirit is of the same nature of God. To understand this field of study, remember this Greek stuff: 'pneuma'-to-'logos' -- the Spirit takes us to the living Word (that is, … For example, Jesus referred to him as a wind—a metaphor which seems to underline the inscrutable nature of his moving in the hearts of people to give them life and bring them to faith (John 3:8). 22 This summary of the work of the Holy Spirit in the OT relies heavily on the work of Erickson, Christian Theology, 866-69. In his understanding, Christology refers to the objective / institutional dimension of the Church whereas pneumatology refers to the subjective / charismatic component of the Church. Worship comes first, doctrine and discipline second. The Holy Spirit was also involved in the regeneration (Ezek 36:26-28), instruction, and sanctification of Israel in the OT (Nehemiah 9:20; Psa 51:11; 143:10; Isa 63:10). As we noted above, the Holy Spirit is distinguished from, yet closely related to, the Father and the Son—and that on an equal basis. The good, the bad, the long, the short—it’s all here. In Christianity,pneumatology focuses on the Holy Spirit and teachings that includespirit-baptism, … The Church is first of all a worshipping community. The Church Fathers are more than a stage in the development of Christian thought. The Holy Spirit came upon certain people to impart wisdom and practical skills, strength and ability. Before we look at the Biblical evidence, it is important to point out that there is no necessary connection in Koine Greek between grammatical gender and personal gender so it is simply false to say that since the Greek noun pneuma is neuter the spirit must be an “it.”. He is who sanctifies us through our difficult Christian walks. Downloading them into your own understanding takes effort, but the worldwide network that you join is the fellowship of the Spirit! In this case, the present gift of the Spirit is the guarantee that the totality of what has been promised to us will someday be fulfilled (Rom 8:30). thought and how other Church Fathers have identified and interpreted the Spirit's involvement in its development. Paul likewise asserts the Holy Spirit’s involvement in the production of sacred Scripture (2 Tim 3:16—theopneustos). We believe the Holy Spirit is a Person who convicts the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment; that at the moment of salvation He regenerates and indwells all believers during this present age, baptizes them into the body of Christ, seals them unto the day of redemption, and imparts to them at least one spiritual gift for good of all mankind … The Holy Spirit is not the “god” within us which we possess via our own natures, nor is he some amorphous feeling or “active force.” All these views denigrate him and rightly deserve rejection. Roy B. Zuck and Darrell L. Bock (Chicago: Moody, 1994), 448-50. Closely related to the idea of the Spirit as “pledge” is the Spirit as seal or the One with whom Christians are sealed by God. This is especially so in a culture moving more toward New Age thinking and pantheism. In the case of each of these Church Fathers who wrote on the Holy Spirit, the first link for the person, identified by the word "Author," will take you to all books written by that person in the online catalog. Pneumatology discusses the difference between receiving the Holy Spirit and being filled with the Holy Spirit. Asa word of introduction I would like to make a preliminary remark on therelationship between pneumatology and spirituality. He is currently intricately involved in sustaining creation (Psa 104:29-30) and will someday, in a period of enormous divine blessing, completely renew it. This argument, too, is precarious at best. The term ‘Holy Spirit’ ‘Ruah’ is Hebrew and ‘Pneuma’ in Greek signify the same ‘breath’ or ‘wind’ that which is living but immaterial. The Spirit is also referred to as a guarantee or pledge of the Christian’s glorification (Eph 1:14; 2 Cor 1:21-22). We will discuss this more under “Soteriology” or “Salvation” below. ‹S{¸¢. That is why, for example, pre-cross believers went to paradise below the earth after death, but today all who die in the Lord go to be with Jesus Christ in the presence of the Father in heaven (i.e., because no human being could enter the Father's presence before the atonement was an accomplished fact). The term pneumatology comes from two Greek words, namely, pneuma meaning “wind,” “breath,” or “spirit” (used of the Holy Spirit) and logos meaning “word,” “matter,” or “thing.” As it is used in Christian systematic theology, “pneumatology” refers to the study of the biblical doctrine of the Holy Spirit. 3 Pneumatologyand the Church Titleof course: Instructor`sname: Pneumatologyand the Orthodox Church Ingeneral, pneumatology is the study of the spiritual connectionbetween God and human beings. He also raised up national leaders during the dismal period of the Judges. Skip to main content . In connection with his personal and glorious ministry to people, Jesus referred to him as water in John 7:37-39. In Christian systematic theology, Pneumatology is the branch of study that investigates what the Bible teaches about the Holy Spirit. Paul’s Year In Books. The Spirit was involved in creating the cosmos (Gen 1:2; Job 26:13). The topic of pneumatology is very exciting to a Pentecostal believer. First, Jesus said he would send “another” in his place (John 14:16). It involves the study of phenomena,spiritual beings and the works of the Holy Spirit. Fire represents the holy presence of God, as for example, in Exodus 3:2-5 and the “burning bush.” One might also recall the pillar of fire (Exod 13:21-22), the fire on Mount Sinai (Exod 24:17) and the fire associated with the wilderness tabernacle (Exod 40:36-38).20 In all these cases, the holiness of God is paramount. 33a (Dallas: Word, 1993), in loc. He was also the strength and guidance behind the building of the temple (Zech 4:6). 2 Spirit and Reality (London: Bles, 1946) 22. Spirit is used in three ways in scripture. This idea involves being dressed by another person so that one is characterized by this new clothing. The Trinity came to be understood in the early church through a series of theological controversies and battles which produced some of the greatest theological statements of all times called the ecumenical creeds. In fact, it appears that he used all of this (and more), for the spiritual/emotional/ethical experience of David writing lyric poetry (in the Psalms, for example) was not the same as Paul’s experience in writing 1 Thessalonians or Ezra’s experience in writing the book after his name or John writing Revelation. A lot has been written andsaid about the connection of “pneumatology” to “spirituality”. This website works best with modern browsers such as the latest versions of … which requires that he be a person since the functions of a parakletos are personal; Jesus functioned as a parakletos to the disciples. The best place to begin is with at the fountainhead, with the first Christian commentaries on Scripture. This study will attempt to outline some of this truth. synthesize the first section to present a fully elaborated understanding of Childs’ doctrine of the Holy Spirit. 20 Others argue that “oil” is a type or symbol of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament. Now, recall that the Christian’s election is unto holiness and Christlikeness (Rom 8:29; Eph 1:4) and so the Spirit has taken up residence in our hearts to make this transformation a reality (2 Cor 3:18). Definition. Pre-Nicene Syriac authors speak about the Spirit’s role in liturgical practices, often using feminine or maternal language to describe the Spirit’s work. The prefix, pneuma, means spirit, breath, or wind. Other examples of the Spirit speaking to people include Balaam (Num 24:2) and Saul (1 Samuel 10:6, 10). Second, the fact that the Spirit makes choices (1 Cor 12:11), teaches (John 14:26), guides (John 16:13), reveals Jesus (John 16:14), convicts (John 16:8), seals believers (2 Cor 1:21-22), can be grieved (Eph 4:30), blasphemed (Matt 12:31), possesses a rational mind (Rom 8:26-27; 1 Cor 2:11-13), can be lied to (Acts 5:3-4), quenched (1 Thess 5:19), resisted (Acts 7:51), and on numerous occasions is distinguished from, yet directly linked with the Father and the Son as co-worker and co-recipient of worship, argues definitively for his personhood (Matt 28:19-20; 2 Cor 13:14).16. A new experience of the reality and power of the Spirit has had a major impact upon the theological discussion of the person and work of the Holy Spirit within Christian theology.1 I. Download Teaching And Understanding Pneumatology Spiritual Gifts books, The geographical extent of the orient and occident is a validation of the cultural and ideological differences that have existed with constancies between the two hemispheres throughout the ions of time. B. I begin with a discussion of Ephrem’s Syriac heritage and focus on the themes and language surrounding the Holy Spirit in pre-Nicene Syriac texts. The Holy Spirit’s Divinity is a subject that was always understood. Chad Gerber’s new book disputes the claims that Augustine’s theology of the Holy Spirit (pneumatology) depends on Plotinus’s formulation of Soul and reason. Hughes deftly ties this rich history to today's world, presenting practical ways in which the early church's understanding of the Holy Spirit might shape our lives now. 23 See Buist M. Fanning, “A Theology of Peter and Jude,” A Biblical Theology of the New Testament, ed. This subject is where the “rubber meets the road” for us. B. Another metaphor for the Spirit is clothing (Acts 1:8). Moltmann’s pneumatology shapes ecclesiology to envision a Church that is powerfully involved in the world, influencing all of creation to experience now the coming eschatological renewal. His Salvation Work. 16 Some scholars attempt to argue for the personality of the Spirit by pointing out that in Ephesians 1:14 the relative pronoun “who” is masculine in the Greek text and not the expected neuter (i.e., to agree with pneuma). pneumatology are far from simple and clear. I will thoroughly describe what kind of pneumatology he offers. Historical development (see IHCC p.1 and Ryrie pp. Pneumatology: The Holy Spirit ... Diversity in Rank: Subordination and the Trinity in the Fathers of the Early Church.” This paper was the result of research I conducted related to my PhD studies in patristics. Paul’s 2020 Year in Books Take a look at Paul’s Year in Books. Further, perhaps the best interpretation of 1 Peter 3:18-20 is that the pre-incarnate Christ preached via the Spirit through the mouth of Noah to the wicked back in the days before the flood.23, We will discuss the various aspects of the work of the Spirit in relation to the church under the headings of “soteriology” and “ecclesiology.” Suffice it to say here that the Spirit is involved in the works of calling, regeneration, uniting the believer with Christ, indwelling, filling, teaching, guiding, gifting, empowering, and sanctifying the believer. The Pentecost Spirit is also likened to tongues of fire in Acts 2:3. © 2021 Exploring the Truth | Powered by, Introduction to Pneumatology, The Study of the Holy Spirit. Generally this includes such topics as the personality of the Spirit, the deity of the Spirit, and the … The first is Cyprian, who relates objections to dreams and visions in his Epistle to Florentius Pupianus(no. We can know that when we pray for a sick relative or friend, our words are being heard in Heaven. The second link, identified by the word "Subject," will take you to all books in the online catalog about that person and their works. In 2 Cor 1:22 and Ephesians 1:14, 4:30, Christians are said to be “sealed” by the Spirit of God. Though today’s “Christianity” has a mystical, warped view of babbling to the Holy Spirit and claiming that He gives them special revelation, However, after reading entire works & sermons of the fathers I do think that in many there was a real difference in their proclamation of the gospel. In several places in Against Celsus(AD 248), Origen refers to "traces" of workings of the Holy Spirit: Thus we see that both of these authors believed that visible supernatural workings of the Spirit were still occurrin… In a similar way, John 120 W. KASPER, The Catholic Church, p. 144. The Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Trinity. Since the beginning of the New Testament Church many Christians are uninformed about the Spirit reflected by the church at Ephesus. It is also said that he will produce righteousness and justice among the people of God in the messianic age (Isa 11:2-5; 32:15-20).22, The Holy Spirit was involved in the birth of Christ, with the result that Christ, while fully human, was completely sinless (Matt 1:18; Luke 1:35). Understanding the Spirit’s work in salvation history in this way provides a more concrete understanding of the Spirit’s role in the life of the church. To make a distinction between the nature of God the Father and the Holy Spirit from the Bible is an act of futility. Introduction The God revealed by Jesus Christ is a personal God, rather a communion of three persons. This recognition acknowledges the full divinity of the Spirit, "who with the Father and the Son together is worshiped and glorified" (Nicene Creed, BCP, pp. It looks like you're using Internet Explorer 11 or older. The purpose of this paper will be achieved by treating the nature of Basil’s pneumatology, its conceptual basis, its distinction between the ousia and hypostasis of the Holy Spirit, and its presentation of the distinctive hypostasis of the Spirit and His divine unity with God the Father and the Son. Pneumatology is the study of the Holy Spirit, His person, works, relation to the Father and Son, relation to man, ministry in salvation and sanctification, conviction, and indwelling. The Patristic Understanding of Creation encapsulates what the Church Fathers had to say, in their own words, on the topic of creation. Peter uses the analogy of the wind filling the sails of a ship. There are several lines of evidence in the NT which argue for the personality of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit was involved in the administration of the nation of Israel by giving gifts of administration and wisdom (Gen 41:38; Num 11:25; Deut 34:9). The word Pneumatology comes from the words pneuma (wind/spirit) and ology (study of) and refers to the study of the Holy Spirit. € 3. 8:27) and gives us gifts for the sake of the Church (1 Cor. Later on he anointed Saul, David, and Solomon for leadership by giving them strength and ability to prophesy, but in the case of Saul, the Spirit subsequently withdrew because of his disobedience (1 Sam 10:10; 16:13). Historical development (see IHCC p.1 and Ryrie pp. Nice piece. The Filling of the Holy Spirit: A key passage in this discussion is Ephesians 5:17-18 which reads, "Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. Pneumatology 3 challenge the deity or personhood of the Holy Spirit, but sought to infuse the church with new life and, in the process, went beyond the Scriptures. This does not mean that the Christian will never sin or be chastened by God (1 John 1:9; Hebrews 12:1-11), but it does mean that God will never abandon them, neither in this life or the one to come (cf. Rom 8:38-39). Pneumatology (pneuma, spirit) is the study of the Person and work of God the Holy Spirit. In Matthew 3:16 (cf. Mark 1:10; Luke 3:22; John 1:32) the text refers to the Spirit descending out of heaven as a dove. In the case of the Spirit, it refers to his gift of power to us so that we might live consistent with the gospel as we boldly preach it throughout the entire world. It is reasonable to conclude from this that the Spirit is a person since Jesus is clearly a person. He will ensure continuity and identify of understanding in the midst of changing conditions and circumstances (cfr. PhD (Church and Dogma History), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, in association with Greenwich School of Theology, UK, 2011: en_US: dc.description.abstract: This thesis attempts to construct a systematic Irenaean Pneumatology, making a contribution in the history of dogma. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. The Apostles Creed, referenced as early as 390 A.D., quite clearly articulates an understanding of our faith revolving around the three persons we identify as the members of the Trinity as core to the faith. Most churches have a common understanding of God theFather and the Son Jesus Christ, but they differ in theircomprehension of the Holy Spirit. First, there will be true apostolic churches, against which the gates of hell shall not prevail. Also, some argue that the demonstrative pronoun in John 16:14 is masculine and refers back to the “spirit” in 16:13. Both Irenaeus and Clement, for instance, treat it with the utmost respect; Clement especially is most enthusiastic about the Shepherd. Thus,pneumatology is the doctrine of the Spirit, or breath of God: the doctrine of the Holy Spirit. pneumatology-books 1/16 Downloaded from api.corebiz.com.br on December 29, 2020 by guest [EPUB] Pneumatology Books Yeah, reviewing a books pneumatology books could add your close friends listings. Therefore, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are to be known only in a perfect Trinity, in closest consequence and union with each other, before all creation, before all the ages, before anything whatever of which we can form an idea. 111- 120). So we may infer from this that the Spirit took the initiative and directed the work, but in no way suppressed the personalities, including the emotional and intellectual input, of the human authors. But in a general way we may trace a sevenfold work of the Holy Spirit in and through the Church: Additionally, the Holy Spirit is the person of the Trinity who actualizes the work of the Father and the Son. The German Catholic theologian Joahann Adam Möhler (1796-1838), was one of the first to make this point: that Christians should derive their theory of … Required fields are marked *. 21 See Millard J. Erickson, Christian Theology (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1985), 867. The Holy Spirit Revealed in Scripture. Your email address will not be published. The Holy Spirit was also responsible for Christ’s ability to perform miracles and cast out demons (Matt 12:28). 327, 328, 359). Going back to Roman and Byzantine times, the writings of the Church Fathers are basic to Christian theology and provide a benchmark for how Christians have traditionally understood creation. every mainstream church has ensured that the Holy Spirit figures prominently on the theological agenda. This means that God in His essence is … Pneumatology: the Holy Spirit in ecumenical, international, and contextual perspective User Review - Not Available - Book Verdict. The masculine pronoun, then, used in reference to the Spirit, demonstrates his personality. The Father is always Father, and in Him the Son, and with the Son the Holy Spirit. Pneumatology. He prays for us (Rom. The Church Fathers, Early Church Fathers, Christian Fathers, or Fathers of the Church were ancient and influential Christian theologians and writers who established the intellectual and doctrinal foundations of Christianity.There is no definitive list. As it is used in Christian systematic theology, “pneumatology” refers to the study of the biblical doctrine of the Holy Spirit. As such, the metaphor speaks of promised messianic blessing and the presence of the kingdom in a new and powerful way (Isa 12:3; 32:15; 44:3; Ezek 39:29; Zech 14:16-18; Joel 2:28-32; Sukk 5:55a). 12:11). This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. 1. The Holy Spirit is God. Outline: Introduction I. àmn‚atL;3Ëræ.§7TÝöJg}R}Ðy›[¤ O’ªC¸c_u³7K-R8ÒÝՊDZ.\ìîî Òºœ1H›,&®Ð`¯MgoÝ;æÌT`AtLgǒ4öŨ€»Ç1Ó)ä;Ý}ÆBGœ¿Ü?åôd‘¨Ç¸…°¸ü.I×(y×â;–ÌP¢ž`kM¢£HåӄJE”9ÝAÑኢÑuÄc,ǵŒ˜I^¹‹ì†SbS)„è¨m•cӊæ"¢Ø/ŒGµZ c. Pneumatology thus literally means ―a word about the Spirit.‖ ... can) how the Spirit works on/with Christians today. pneumatology: the study of the third person of the Trinity: that is, of the work, person, purpose, and nature of the Holy Spirit. The creeds of the early church are almost cryptic The bibliography of important literature 1 On the Faith and Creed 8 , 19 20 (CSEL 41 20-23). Pneumatology is derived from the Greek word pneuma, meaning spirit, wind, or breath. Some point out that the noun for “spirit” in the NT is pneuma which is neuter and, therefore, the spirit is correctly referred to as “it” rather than “he.” In keeping with this idea, some refer to it [him] as “God’s active force,” almost in a Gnostic sense of an emanation from the one, true God. He receives the worship due the Father and the Son (2 Cor 13:14) and does divine works, including inspiring Scripture (2 Peter 1:20-21; Matt 19:4-5), regenerating hearts (Titus 3:5), and creating, sustaining, and giving life to all things (Gen 1:2; Job 26:13; 34:14-15; Psalm 104:29-30). A Pneumatology in which the divine Spirit is understood as eternally with, for and in communal relation vis-à-vis the Father and the Son, welcoming creatures to participate in the divine communion, invites models of spirituality that tend more carefully to the social formation of persons. The Person of the Holy Spirit A. He was also involved in both the death of Christ as well as his resurrection (Heb 9:14; Rom 1:4; 8:11). It makes up almost half of the total text. The Pentecostal denominations take the role, person, and power of the Holy Spirit seriously; but also hold ourselves accountable for our life decisions as well. The nature of the Spirit’s present ministry testifies to this future work (Isa 32:15; Rom 8:18-27). Learn how your comment data is processed. This symbol portrays the Spirit as the One who can fulfill the deepest longings of the heart to know God, i.e., to enjoy eternal life (John 4:14; 17:3). the holy spirit is one of the three persons of the trinity (Jonh.4.24; 20.22) (2).The angels are called spirit. Next came the Eastern Fathers; the most noteworthy of which is perhaps Gregory of Nazianzus who was likely the first of his company to call the Holy Spirit “God”. Finally, I will argue that Childs’ project is empowered, that is, enabled, and made possible by his understanding of the third person of the Trinity. """"" His primary ministry is to mediate the presence of Christ and the knowledge of God to the believer (John 16:13-14).24. The Holy Spirit was also involved in Christ’s anointing for messianic service (i.e., at his baptism [Luke 3:21-22]), filled him during his temptations (Luke 4:1; John 3:34), and revealed the timing and nature of the beginning of that ministry (Luke 4:14, 18). Also, they have adifferent theological understanding of God the Father, the Son andthe Holy Spirit. See Paul Enns, The Moody Handbook of Theology (Chicago: Moody Press, 1989). It represents the power, cleansing, and illuminating work of the Spirit. Like an inexhaustible spring, pure and true, they irrigate the Christian imagination with the life-giving water that flows forth from the Biblical wellspring of the faith. 17 See Donald A. Hagner, Matthew 1-13, Word Biblical Commentary, ed. Today, while there is still widespread erroneous teaching concerning the Holy Spirit, there is a much better understanding of who He is and what He does. Chapter Five: Th e Son of God and the Angelomorphic Holy Spirit in Justin ... is that it fared so well in the early Church. It is important, then, to see what the Scriptures say about his personhood, i.e., is he really a person, albeit divine? The Trinitarian Shape of Christology John the Baptist testified that “I saw the Spirit…remain [meno, dwell] on him” at Jesus’ baptism (Jn 1:32, cf. church-fathers‎ (1) church-histiry‎ (1) creation‎ (1) misandry‎ (1) ... Baker Academic serves the academy and the church by publishing works that further the pursuit of knowledge and understanding within the context of Chr ...more. It includes: Pneumatology 3 challenge the deity or personhood of the Holy Spirit, but sought to infuse the church with new life and, in the process, went beyond the Scriptures. The Holy Spirit is a Person B. As understood, feat does not suggest that you have astounding points. The term pneumatology comes from two Greek words, namely, pneuma meaning “wind,” “breath,” or “spirit” (used of the Holy Spirit) and logos meaning “word,” “matter,” or “thing.”. When we go to the OT we see this phenomenon in several places, not the least of which is the clear example of Ezekiel 2:2: “As he spoke to me, the Spirit entered me and raised me to my feet and I heard him speaking to me” (see also 8:4; 11:1, 24). This thesis compares Irenaeus' pneumatological writings with biblical and patristic texts, and presents the opinions of various Ireanaean scholars, offering either positive comments or academic disagreements on these opinions. Sinclair B. Ferguson, David F. Wright, and J. I. Packer (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity, 1988), 316-19. The decision represents the triumph of the Cappadocian Fathers over the pneumatomachians or Macedonians, … There is very little room for doubt; clearly the Holy Spirit is divine. (pneumatology), who tends to be the forgotten person in Christian thought and church practice. Personal God, rather a communion of three persons 20â Others argue that the use of spiritual gifts once! Revell, 1984 ), 448-50 Christian walks “ rubber meets the road ” us... Lex orandi has a privileged priority in the Old Testament important as that is been written andsaid about the of... Pneumatology ” refers to the “spirit” in 16:13... member of the doctrine..., demonstrates his personality 24:2 ) and gives us gifts for the Church abides the... ( Judges 3:10 ; 6:34 ; 14:19 ) Holy Spirit’s involvement in its.. Who means so much to me literally means ―a word about the third member of the biblical doctrine the. 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Of this world has now been judged single Church Father mentioned the assumption of.. Will discuss this more under “Soteriology” or “Salvation” below judgment, because the ruler this! That when we pray for a sick relative or friend, our words are being heard in.! Miracles and cast out demons ( Matt 12:28 ) word of introduction I would like to make a between. It makes up almost half of the Holy Spirit ( Matt 22:43 cf.Â! To another just like Jesus third person of the central constructs in Irenaeus ' thought continue to use site... Ryrie pp would like to make a preliminary remark on therelationship between pneumatology and spirituality issues to. We use cookies to ensure that the Church abides in the OT is much than. The knowledge of God the Holy Spirit in the midst of changing conditions and circumstances cfr. To as a guarantee or pledge of the Spirit’s present ministry testifies to this future work ( Isa ;... 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And trouble ( Luke 12:12 ) have identified and interpreted the Spirit reflected by the Spirit!