them. Two's company and three's a crowd, but seven can be an uprising. Just as karma works for negativity, it does the same for positivity. You won’t get far by mistreating others neither will you get far by trying to repay everyone who hurt you. For every action that you take, there is opposite action that takes place. Working hard toward your goals can be considered good for karma. All you have to do is to sit back and watch. We are only able to control our actions. Been there? “I want revenge, but I don’t want to screw up my karma.” – Susan Colasanti. What goes around come around and the way you treat another person’s property will be the same way they treat yours. “Treat other people’s home as you want them to respect yours because what goes around comes around” – Ana Monnar. You do not understand now, but you will understand later.” – H. Raven Rose. Design Credits: Aroop Mishra Everything that happens in today is a result or yesterday, and anything that happens tomorrow is a result of today. 67 Surprising Quotes on Karma That You Must Read. Quotes. Take a long, hard look at your actions and could find that you’ve brought a lot of your problems on yourself. People deserve what happens to them through the process of karma. Karma will come back to us whatever choices we make. We think that by inflicting similar pain onto this person, we'll … 2. It is something we realize afterwards which is why karma is hard to plan. The famous Rockstar has a funny way of explaining a scenario of bad karma. We usually think of karma as a bad thing, but if you are a good person, then karma will have repercussions on you. Cheating fate is a bit like cheating karma. Listen, life is unpredictable, and you don’t know what things will be like down the line. It’s never ok to wish harm on anyone else. In fact, some people count on karma for vengeance, “He done wronged me, and he’ll get his comeuppance when karma bites him in the ass.”. “Karma, had finally made her way around, and had just bitch-slapped me right across the face.” – Jennifer Salaiz. Nobody can live their entire lives as a bad person without something bad coming back on them. I’m sure many people have said the same thing as Ottilie Webler. “When you plant a seed of love, it is you that blossoms.” – Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati. I love this simple and clear explanation of karma by Buddhist Barbara O’Brien of the buddhism.about.comblog: Bud… “Karma is a cruel mistress.” – Kelley York. “If you send out goodness from yourself, or if you share that which is happy or good within you, it will all come back to you multiplied ten thousand times. If you do something negative, it doesn’t mean that something negative must happen to you to “even things out”. Well, the short answer is: never. But just know, when people make their beds, they have to lie in them, not you. So if someone just did you dirty, took your heart out of your body and stomped on it, leaving you to wash it off and put it back in bruised and leaking, just remember these 65 things: 1. Alex Trebek, Memorable Quotes at the Transition From 2020 to 2021, Quotes from 3 of the Best Films that Helped Us Get Through the Year, Questionable Quotes of 3 World Leaders Amid the Coronavirus Pandemic, What the Pantone Color of the Year Says About the Last Five Years, A Few of the Dumbest Quotes from Powerful People in 2020, Quotes from 2020’s First-Elected Women and Minorities in the United States, Quotes from Queen Elizabeth Stretching Back 73 Remarkable Years, Remembering Pop Star We Miss: George Michael, Prince, Little Richard. This isn’t about karma. This phrase is the basis of karma. The moment you choose to react in a negative way, you’re no better than them. Strange and unfavorable things will happen if one tries to cheat either of them. “Get what’s coming” is a famous phrase that many people have said over the course of history. 14 Karma Quotes and Karma Sayings. For this reason, we’ve gathered this list of karma quotes to remind you to do unto others as you wish to be done unto you. If you bully and talk crap about people all the time, don’t cry when someone does it to you. We don’t always want to revisit the decisions we have made in the past. The people that are hoping you fail are creating bad karma for themselves. Karma is here to remind us that we must pay for the things we have done. Karma doesn’t discriminate in that regard – what you reap, you will (eventually) sow. “Even if things don’t unfold the way you expected, don’t be disheartened or give up.” – Daisaku Ikeda. Vincent Alexandria is somebody who truly believes in karma. And the seven can become 70 or … I’m honestly not sure how much worse it’s going to get” – Cat Adams. Explore. Karma will come after every one at some point. Love the people around you even if they do not show the same love to you. Karma is basically the belief that what comes around goes around, or in other words, how you treat other people directly affects how you’re treated. Kathleen Brooks believe the person she speaks about will get what they deserve. They have this downgraded perception of who you are, and they assume you won’t amount to anything without them. Sri Guru Granth Sahib. Our mission at Good Morning Quote is promoting positivity, increase spirit, spark ideas, encourage success, and motivate people with love quotes, motivational life quotes, and inspiring friends quotes. People will get what they deserve because of what they have done in the past. What goes around will always come around. Whatever she had done had come back to her and made her pay for it. If you are mean to people, people will be mean to you. Just keep calm and let karma do its thing. Our choices have serious karma on us. With every action there is an effect and with every effect there is a cause. 38 Funny Yogi Berra Quotes on Himself, Baseball and Life in General, 39 Aristotle Quotes on Thinking Logically and Being a Good Person, 105 Inspirational Nature Quotes on Life and Its Natural Beauty, 48 Inspiring Ruth Bader Ginsburg Quotes on Standing Up for What’s Right, 54 Steve Job Quotes on Work, Success and Creating Something of Value, 76 Famous Socrates Quotes About Life, Knowledge and Self Growth, 107 Quotes About Change to Help You Get Through Anything, 37 Dr. Seuss Quotes That Can Change the World, 36 Inspirational Harry Potter Quotes for a Braver You, 34 Inspirational Self Love Quotes to Make Yourself Stronger, 33 Deep Buddha Quotes on Love, Life and Happiness. Karma is a societal police. “As long as karma exists, the world changes. No matter how foul a person is, you can rest assured that life is not going to repay them with roses and sunshine. And the long answer is: never. No one likes getting hurt, and it’s hard to move on when the wounds cut deep, but revenge isn’t the answer. It’s seen as a sort of cause and effect; a universal system of justice against your crimes. It is too short to have regrets and hateful thoughts. Give up your selfishness, and you shall find peace; like water mingling with water, you shall merge in absorption. Karma is one of the oldest principles in the world. Karma is a spiritual belief that is all about cause and effect. You don’t create a good life simply by working hard, but also by the vibes you put out into the world. There are many people who believe in karma as much as Shallu Jindal and want to educate the rest of the world on the effects of their actions. Do you believe in karma quotes? Wishing someone else’s downfall is the wrong thing to do. People have to deal with karma against their wishes. We are created because of the choices we make and the thoughts we have. There are a lot of wonderful quotes about reincarnation, past lives and karma…here are a few of my favorites… DALAI LAMA KARMA QUOTES: “Delusions are states of mind which, when they arise within our mental continuum, leave us disturbed, confused and unhappy. “What goes around comes around. Someone is very cocky and full of themselves and they begin to lose. Maybe someone stole something, turned others against you, broke an agreement, cheated on you, or spoke unfairly or abusively. Democritus. Andrew Pritchard does not want his karma to hit on a beautiful day. If you don’t want that person to beat you, then do something about to give yourself the better position, work harder. Giving love and caring for someone else gives a responsibility like no other. Just like the harder you work the luckier you get, the harder you work the more good karma comes your way. He makes a good comparison to trouble following him relating it to a dog. Fate and karma are very related. What is Fate? “Many believe in karma but I take it to a whole different level.” – Vincent Alexandria. So many people want to do foul things, but don’t want the consequences that come along with them. How … Have you ever had someone leave you for another person and then the same thing happens to them? The last thing the world needs another bitter person spreading their venom to everyone else. “How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.” – Wayne Dyer. This is a situation that happens in real life. Karma is a concept that some people believe more than others. Karma Sayings and Quotes. We have done things we regret and they come back to us in a way that is just as bad as what we did. Karma is actually based on your actions and thoughts in every single moment. Karma is basically a boomerang, you get back what you put out. Or is it a sign from up above? This is the simple version of the concept of karma. You know, the “dish it but can’t take it” type of people. Everyone’s karma comes in a different form. Homewrecker Quotes “You can’t help who you fall in love with” Yes, you sure can! If you do, you’re actually inviting that bad energy back into your life tenfold. “Strange things conspire when one tries to cheat fate.” – Rick Riordan. In the kingdom of love there is no competition; there is no possessiveness or control. These karma quotes are a hard pill to swallow, but you need to hear them. “A boomerang returns back to the person who throws it.” – Vera Nazarian. If you are nice to people, people will be nice to you. We really don’t begin to understand karma until we feel the effects of it. Cause and effect is basically the definition of karma. When certain things happen, your first instinct might be to say, “I don’t deserve this!” Well, maybe you do. Instead of doing someone wrong and not having to pay for it till your next life or next incarnation, in this age, you pay in one lifetime for most things. One day, the universe will turn on them, just as they had turned on you. Nobody understands good karma when they first act. Pay it forward. The thing is, you appear more desperate and hurt when you seek revenge. The bottom line is, you reap what you sow, and if you put out negativity, that’s what you’re going to get back. Decisions are made on the spot and karma is not taken into consideration. They are forced to face their past actions and try to make them right. “It’s already bad. We can make this process easier by being good people throughout our lives so when bad karma finally comes around; we are not in its path. Teaching yoga reconnects people to the source because they are able to think of the things they did that day and the things they have done in the past. People will do you wrong then turn around and act like you did something to them. How you react to their treatment is your karma. Here are are 9 quotes that explain how karma is a great leveller: So if someone did you wrong, don't fret. If you are a bad person, bad things will happen. “Love your neighbor, even the ones who do not show you the same courtesy.” – Alexandra Elle. This is one of those karma quotes that says a lot without needing a lot of words. My perfect “karma would always hav e my back” thinking started fading when I realized that sometimes it seems people can get away with what they … Well, guess what, no matter how much that person was wrong for stealing from you, they’ll always turn around and say what you did to them. It always hit you back if you did something wrong with anyone else. “Karma can be seen as a curse or a gift because it keeps us attached to this world.” – Abdullah Fort. Kelley York relates it to someone who can ruin your life. As long as good and bad karma exists in this world, the world will constantly be changing. Holding onto anger or resentment severely limits your potential in … Cat Adams is regretting some things he has done in his life. Karma is felt later in life where the good or bad things that you have done come back to you. The actions and decisions you make ultimately determine your fate and if you make poor decisions, the wrath of karma or god may come down on you. The good karma from giving love is growing as a person. Judging people because of their looks, their social class or anything else is completely unfair. Your actions make your future.” – Shallu Jindal. In life, you will lose some and you will win some, but karma will always take its course. 1. They say what goes around comes around, so be careful about the energy you release into the universe. Katie McGarry cannot understand why karma hates her so much, so she relates to a possibility of her past life. ). This is old wisdom that we still follow today. Call it karma or the Golden Rule, good things happen to those who do good works. When you seek revenge, you set yourself up for failure. pay. Karma is in life. Yeah, me too. When it all boils down, you can’t do what you want and treat people crappy and think everything will be fine. But remember, tables have a way of turning, and they don’t always turn in your favor. Life is too short to be anything but positive and full of love. A Loyal dog will follow its owner wherever they go and Trel Sidoruk claims that trouble follows him like a dog. But the thing is, you can’t be a good person for someone else if you have malice in your heart. We are accustomed to believe that fate is what our pre-determined destiny is. Life is all about making life better for others. RELATED: 16 Quotes About Cheating To Remind You That TRUST Is EARNED Scroll through this collection of quotes about karma. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); “Karma comes after everyone eventually.” – Jessica Brody. You’d be surprised how many wonderful things will happen to you just by being kind to others. You deserve your own karma, not anybody else’s. “Karma is not an inviolate engine of cosmic punishment.” – Vera Nazarian. Disastrous events will happen when people of power forget their principles of morality. For most people, fate is getting what we deserve. “I’m not a believer in karma. Inspirational Quotes People Shared During the Pandemic, Who Will Always Be a Champion of Facts, Wisdom, and Humor? They do not completely believe but will not rule anything out either. ... “Karma is karma. Run Happy Quotes. You do the wrong things, you get the wrong things out of it.” ... “You cannot do harm to someone because someone has done harm to you. Break into several subheadings by topic for enhanced flow. Karma is like a cruel mistress because of the negative affects it has on your life. There are repercussions and consequences for every action and decision you make. How we treat someone one day will come back to us the next day. You … I think this applies to our Karma as well. He would rather it all come on a day where he did not have anything planned anyway. Your reputation gets ruined, and it’s hard to come back from such a negative image; the list goes on. “For every action there is an equal and opposite re-action. If you do foul things, you can expect a knock at your door from karma at any time. “Oh Lestat, you deserved everything that’s ever happened to you.” – Anne Rice. Everything that we do has an effect on us and the people around us. Always. We are … If you choose to do harm, well, you can't cheat karma, folks. “Regardless of what we do, our karma has no hold on us” – Bodhidharma. We create not to sell but to motivate our fast-growing community in our own simple and subtle way. Sometimes we are on the unfortunate end of what is coming around. Often times when somebody believes they have bad karma, they will go out and try to do good for their karma to be reversed. The reason why I try to be a good person is because I think it’s the right thing,” – Daniel Handler. Be kind! Your actions never matched your words and you just moved on like a pro. When people whose job it is to serve the people lose their moral obligations, Terrible and unruly things can occur. Karma is a word that is thrown around a lot. If you ask most people what karma is all about they will say something like, “Karma is punishment for past wrongs.”. Karma has many ways of affecting people and the universe can be one of them. When karma finally hits you in the face, I’ll be there…Just in case it … Sometimes you need to be reminded to do the right thing. Wherever they go and Trel Sidoruk claims that trouble follows me like a pro love your neighbor even. 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