Former Medical Assistant at the Alexandria Safe-Zone (Post-Apocalypse)Former Soldier for the Militia (Post-Apocalypse)Soldier for the Coalition (Post-Apocalypse) As the group are interrogating Dwight in the prison cell, Rosita announces that the Saviors have Sasha. The Walking Dead hasn't really done much for Rosita in season 10, though to be fair, it did give her a few stand-out moments, such as her heated fight with Beta (Ryan Hurst), who she succeeded in wounding.But other than that, Rosita has mostly … He breaks down and explains he can't escape his memories about the night their friends were killed by the Whisperers. Rosita protests she made the bullet, but Arat turns and shoots Olivia in the face. Rosita leads the group to the jail, where Dwight is being held. Rosita is shown to have a friendly relationship with Tara, she also shows concern about Tara after being injured and Glenn wants to continue looking for Maggie to the point of yelling at Glenn and explaining she'll do what Glenn says because she feels she owes him. Rosita chastises him, tells him to leave her alone and leaves with Eugene. They say goodbye to each other and he leaves. Following Siddiq's death, she starts to experiences nightmares where she and Coco face an imminent death. Female Rosita, along with the others, look shocked when Eugene arrives with the Saviors, speaking through a megaphone and telling the group to surrender. Status Dante, the other doctor on staff, comforts Siddiq by telling him that he, too, used to suffer from PTSD after losing a lot of men in combat. She learned about bombs, cars, knots etc from men she dated. Despite making it clear that it's almost certainly a suicide mission, Sasha agrees, on the condition that she take the shot (knowing she won't miss). Rosita is among those who wish to exact retribution but due to Rick's unwillingness to do so she grudgingly complies to serving Negan's demands. They eventually make it to the gift shop and Daryl and Rosita begin to salvage abandoned medical supplies from the locked pharmacy. She frisks Magna and asks Eugene why they're here. When the threat is controlled, she heads to the Grimes' house to make sure Judith and R.J. are safe and watches as Beta attempts to take Gamma away. As they wait for Negan to emerge, Rosita opens up to Sasha, revealing where she learned everything she knows. Rosita and Daryl take out the guards escorting Eugene and they capture him. Later on, they escape and stumble into the same room Owen the Alpha Wolf is holding Denise captive, with Carol and Morgan unconscious on the floor. In "The First Day of the Rest of Your Life", after Rosita gets shot by the Scavengers Tara helps get her to the infirmary. During the following battle, Rosita shoots Regina and a few other Saviors to save the life of Eugene and stands next to him during Rick's speech following Negan's defeat. The events of The Walking Dead #171 will take years to make their way to the popular AMC series should the TV show continue to accurately adapt the events of the comics. Rosita and Arat have a spiteful relationship. After the aftermath of the battle, Rosita is standing outside of the building, bidding goodbye to Tara and Heath for their supply run. Warning! During this time, she developed a closer bond with Abraham and eventually fell in love with him, thus allowing Abraham to move on from the emotional trauma that stemmed from his family's deaths. Gender Rosita appears when Abraham visits the house with flowers for Tara. Rosita stitches his arm and remarks that some former members of their group taught her these medic skills. While Rick and Michonne generally treated Carl as a child, Rosita seemed to treat Carl as an adult. Rosita agrees and hands Sasha a rifle. Inside their home, Abraham packs his bag and tells Rosita that he's leaving her. Gabriel patiently defends himself; he argues that the rest of the group still needs her. The next day out on the road, Rosita and Carol have a conversation about Morgan. Rosita points out that Eugene is probably making ammunition for the Saviors and she know where he is. Rosita helps drag Tobin to safety when the walls fall down and the herd enters Alexandria. She helps keep the barn doors closed when a herd attacks. Later, in the woods, Rosita, Daryl and Rick arrive to save Cyndie and Maggie from a group of walkers. She says she will pay the price and tells him to do something useful for once. She is later seen helping the group build the wall to help with the plan. In "The King, the Widow, and Rick" as Michonne is about to leave to see the Sanctuary surrounding by walkers, Rosita tells her to stay and wait for the next fight, but she decides to go with her anyway, despite both of them still healing from their injuries. Along with the rest of the Militia, Rosita is ambushed by Negan's forces, but is suddenly saved when the Saviors' guns explode. Daryl and Siddiq later find a multitude of gurgling corpses blocking their route forward. War Machine In Falcon & The Winter Soldier, The Walking Dead Season 8 Trailer's Shocking Twist Explained, Robot Chicken's The Walking Dead Parody Trailer Released, The Walking Dead Releases New Season 8 Photos, Watch The Walking Dead Star React To The Season 8 Trailer. She kills the walker and grabs the gun, only to discover that it's a toy. Rosita emphasizes, "It's a one way ticket for both of us. During the battle, Rosita and Ezekiel shoot out the headlights on the Savior vehicles. Rosita, Dwight and the others descend into the sewers as Alexandria burns. She then listens in shock as Gabriel encourages them to capture any Whisperer and brutally torture them until they can break them since he believes the Whisperers are cowards. Fans of The Walking Dead love to make … He reminds her it was Rick who got them into this, and she asks if he thinks he can do better, to which he says yes. Rosita Espinosa is a fictional character from the comic book series The Walking Dead and is portrayed by Christian Serratos in the American television series of the same name.She accompanies Eugene Porter and Abraham Ford on a mission to Washington, D.C. As they think about this situation, she reconsiders if she should go outside with the walker threat and risk dying. They both appear to be uncomfortable, but she relaxes after she mentions there is beer and smiles when Abraham goes off to grab some drinks. The bridge ignites and explodes as Rosita and the rest can only watch in horror, assuming Rick to be dead. Rosita later arrives at her house and tells Gabriel she almost died fighting walkers recklessly and laments how vulnerable she feels because she doesn't want Coco to be left an orphan. Siddiq was the baby’s father in the comics but Rosita was actually in a relationship with Eugene. Rosita remains in the sewers with the other Alexandrians as the Saviors' grenades continue to blow apart Alexandria above them. Tara says no. When she wakes up, she tells them she was attacked from behind and that Arat is missing. In "Time for After", Tara and Rosita argue on whether they should attack the sanctuary by driving the truck into the building and Rosita says it's to risky and leaves. Rosita is angered at his betrayal, destroying whatever friendship they had. Carol borrows Rosita's gun to sweep the house. She is seen listening to Ricks speech to the Alexandrian's regarding the mega herd outside the walls. After coming across a set of railroad tracks, Rosita tries to convince Daryl and Denise to take the railroad but Daryl wants to take a pathway which is "twice as far" to reach their destination. Rosita, Daryl, Siddiq, and Scott volunteers to dispatch walkers in their path, with Rosita coming close to being dragged under. Despite the fact it could cause more death to her community, she refuses to bow down to the Saviors, and recklessly attempts to kill Negan, even though the Saviors would immediately slaughter Alexandria if she had succeeded. They catch up and she admits to missing talking to him. Rosita, Michonne and Tara will cover him and distract the walkers. Rosita is among the Hilltop residents and refugees who are prepared to defend the Hilltop from the Saviors. Maggie worries that it's a trap, but Michonne suggests they investigate. Daryl turns the truck on and promises they're going to end this thing right now. Later, Tara suggests heading back to Alexandria to regroup but Rosita says they need to search for guns. Rosita and Sasha situate themselves in an empty building near the Sanctuary. Rosita keeps watch as Sasha slips through the fence. Rosita is beginning to give up hope but Tara encourages her to keep going and the trio start working to escape the garage. Spencer tracks her down and chastises her. As punishment, Negan tells Arat to kill someone. After recovering from Abraham's death, Rosita is sure if he would be still alive that Rick and the group would rise up and fight against Negan and the Saviors. After Abraham left her, she is seen having an affair with Spencer. He then offers his deepest condolences to her and wishes he could offer more, but says he is unable to at the moment because he is relocating. They press on, quickly and carefully putting down each walker in their path. Rosita is convinced Eugene must be playing some angle. Rosita and Aaron later kills three Wolves, who were raiding one of the houses. Rosita admits that she wasted her time hating Sasha and wishes she could've gotten the chance to tell Abraham she was happy for him. While being attacked by Arat, Gabriel appeared to be concerned for her safety. Suddenly, Gabriel enters the room with a worried look and proceeds to inform them of the Whisperer mask found at the Oceanside beach. Rosita seemed deeply saddened for Maggie when they found Daryl holding Beth's dead body. Eugene makes it clear that it was Rosita's words to him that got Eugene to do the right thing. Daryl and Tara claim they have a lot more work to do. After putting Rosita to bed, he was sat drifting off in a rocking chair with his baby Coco – however, before he could fall asleep the proud dad opened his eyes and found himself stood on top of a windmill with the tot. The 10th season of The Walking Dead has been full of shocks and surprises so far but none sent more shockwaves through fans than the death of Siddiq (played by Avi Nash). In "Say Yes", Rosita makes her way to The Hilltop in search of Sasha, and tells her that she needs her help: she wants to move on The Sanctuary to try again to kill Negan. Suddenly, a part of his radio malfunctions and they agree to talk later. She asks why she didn't attempt to stop her, with Rosita explaining that she would have also pursued him to no end. Eugene and Rosita have an undeniable connection on the AMC series with Josh McDermitt and Christian Serratos playing the parts with brilliant chemistry. At the end of Sunday's episode, Rosita … That night, Rosita approaches Gabriel as he burns Dante's body and puts her head on his shoulder. Along the way, she formed a romantic relationship with Abraham, which lasts until they reach the Alexandria Safe-Zone. Despite Rosita's protests, Sasha tells her it is not her time and that Alexandria still needs her. Rosita cries, demanding an explanation. In several episodes they are both seen frequently speaking. When Abraham and Rosita hear that they're being watched, they wanted to leave the Church and continue their journey to Washington. Rosita is among the Militia forces that ambush Lance's team of Saviors. Rosita knocks her unconscious and orders for her to be put in a cell. Rosita climbs up to the attic to find Eugene, where she hears Stephanie on the radio attempting to contact Eugene. Rosita, Abraham, and Eugene turn to see Maggie, Bob Stookey, and Sasha Williams. Tara again assures her they will find the guns and they will fight and to save her rage for the Saviors. When Gareth and the Hunters get in the church, he mentions Rosita's name knowing she is there. A while later, a funeral is held for Jesus and everyone take turns hammering the nails in his coffin. Rosita and Eugene arrive at the factory that he had previously taken Abraham to with the intent to manufacture bullets. Later that night Maggie gives Rosita a piece of book thread so she can stitch up Abrahams hand. They drive-off in a beaten-up truck, and Denise tries to assist Daryl with driving it. Rosita Espinosa At dawn, they enter her house to rest. Rosita is on her porch, removing the stitches from the cut on her face. Lately, they are shown to deeply respect each other and work well together, most recently going to find Daryl and her opening up over Denise's death. Gabriel doesn't understand her point, and Rosita claims she can feel that Coco is wondering where Siddiq is and she doesn't want her daughter to be left an orphan if both of them die. They then head back to the fire truck. The bullet ends up hitting Negan's weapon, Lucille, which saves him much to Rosita's dismay. MAJOR SPOILERS for The Walking Dead season 10 ahead.. Rosita punches Eugene in the face for vomiting on her, but otherwise appears to forgive him for his actions. Rosita goes with Abraham, Michonne, and Glenn to see if they can find Aaron's vehicles. When Rick, Daryl, Glenn and Bob comes to the rescue, Rosita joins them in their escape and kills walkers. In another room, Gabriel tests out the radio he found in the woods and tells Rosita he thinks there could still be more survivors out there they could help. Unlike the early days of the apocalypse, the city streets had been cleared of undead threats as the reanimated stumbled out of town in various directions over the years. Feeling hurt by his indifference, she claims that maybe Dante was right about them not being as strong as they thought. Rosita has mostly been relegated to a background role in her time in the series. In the woods, Rosita is with Arat as they rig the charges to lure a herd away from the bridge construction site. Sasha tells Rosita that Eugene is giving orders to the other Saviors. By Brandon Davis While Rosita and Sasha have barely spoken to one another, they seem to have a friendship. Magna tries to tag along but is stopped by D.J. Eugene tries to defend his alliance with Negan, Rosita, however, says Eugene is the reason the Saviors were able to escape the Sanctuary and everyone who has died is Eugene's fault. As Saviors arrive on the scene, Daryl throws a smoke grenade to obsure their vision.Dwight and Laura see the smoke in the road. This put a strain on their relationship and they kept their distance until Abraham worryingly asked if she believed he would have hurt her, but she answers "no", showing signs of them beginning to resolve their differences. Six years after Rick Grimes' assumed death, Rosita is now in a relationship with Gabriel Stokes, although following a romance with Siddiq, they conceive a daughter. She closes the opening behind her at the last minute, locking Rosita out. Abraham says he loves her and she tells him to prove it and she goes for a shower. Rosita heavily relies on other people and it is clear that she has little experience being by herself. Denise initially sides with Rosita's idea of following them to their destination, but decides to stick with Daryl when he rejects the suggestion. In Open Your Eyes, when Siddiq attempts to commit suicide by drowning himself, Rosita manages to save him and asks why he would do that. He leans in, but is ultimately unable to go through with it. They escape through the woods on foot. Eugene refuses and goes back inside, and Rosita curses him in sincere disappointment. Rosita runs over with a makeshift crutch and the two run off into the woods. They tell her Daryl and the others are already looking for them but get confused after she screams that the others don't know what they're dealing with. She quietly pays her respects to him. In the TV series, however, Alpha did decide to kill a number of the community members in this way. She then picks up Coco and cries as she looks at Siddiq's dead body. When Rick tells the group they need to leave, Abraham tells her they'll let him know about the mission to D.C. later. She did not hold anger towards Eugene for lying and, more recently, saved Abraham's life after a messy breakup, showing she is compassionate. Abraham agrees with the plan, and they stay. In the woods, Rosita runs alone and scared escaping from the walkers, while she hears whispers. Dante has shown himself to be somewhat arrogant and vain due to the fact that his profession is highly valued, even comparing himself to a god. Rosita enters Alexandria with the rest of her group and is interviewed by Deanna Monroe, where she assigns her to work as a medical assistant. In "Time for After", it is shown that Rosita is affected by Sasha's sacrifice, as she mentions to Daryl she had to learn to wait instead of going rogue after seeing Sasha walk out of the coffin, showing she is saddened for causing her death. Rosita lay in bed while Abraham washes his face, after having sexual intercourse. In "The Day Will Come When You Won't Be", Negan is taunting a devastated Rosita by forcing his bloody baseball bat into her face after beating Abraham to death. Rosita feels betrayed by Eugene many months later when he confesses to not being a scientist that could cure the epidemic as many people gave their lives to protect him. Rosita watches angrily and sad as Sasha breaks into the Sanctuary. He tells them to lower their guns or he will kill Eugene and then them. Eugene gets hit during this. When Dante confesses his motive for infiltrating the community and says he's looking forward to them arguing over what to do with him as they did with Negan, Rosita insults him again and kicks him in the back before leaving the room. He muses that Rosita was correct; they don't have to live like they are. After Ezekiel refuses to fight, Sasha vents to Rosita that she knew he would say no but it still pissed her off. The next day, Rosita watches as Michonne and Daryl return to Alexandria with the missing kids. At night, Rosita enjoys a bonfire in Alexandria alongside Jocelyn's kid group and the community kids. She mostly appears hot-headed and single minded about the situation she is placed in. But, she continues, that wasn't how things were with Abraham, who saw her as she was. She then tries to wake Eugene up. When Gabriel insists she is hiding something and calls for a sincere confession, Rosita listens as Gamma tearfully reveals she killed her sister for Alpha. She has little room for humor and shows little hesitation in killing a posed threat. Rosita drives the car while Eugene navigates and they end up at the end of the tunnel where Glenn and Tara should have ended up. They acknowledge that the mission will likely end in their deaths. He refuses to accept the apology and says that she meant what she said, now she just feels bad. She hugs and picks up Judith when she runs to her. Rosita is seen sitting down along the tracks when Daryl and Denise catch up proving that the railroad tracks were a quicker way. When Negan taunted Rosita after he killed Abraham, Daryl came to her defense by punching Negan, which caused him to kill Glenn as punishment, and Daryl taken prisoner later on. Rosita attends Tyreese's funeral. Siddiq was living in or around Miami, Florida at the time of the outbreak. "Let the fair of a new beginning begin!" Later, Rosita picks up an empty shell casing from the gun Negan shot earlier that day and pays Eugene a visit. Spencer begins to question Rick's leadership, unaware that Rosita was heading into the woods as Spencer loads the motorcycle into their van. While starting to draft people for the scout team, Gabriel changes the plan at the last minute and orders for Rosita and Laura to stay back with a skeleton crew while he and others will head out on the recon mission. He reveals that he's planning to get close to Negan so he can strike against him at some point in the future. Despite their relationship Rosita yells at Glenn for not considering Tara's injury calling him an "ass", however when Glenn and Tara are about to enter the tunnel she gives him a goodbye hug and tells him to try not to be an ass. Rosita, Daryl and Eugene encounter a herd of walkers. And speaking of Siddiq and Gabriel, the two of them and Rosita are figuring out how to deal with Rosita’s pregnancy (Siddiq is the father) and instead of the three of them becoming a throuple and giving Siren a run for its money, it takes Eugene’s intervention and advice for everyone (particularly Gabriel) to figure things out. The character had actively slept around in the community, often using the action as a move to earn the protection of those she had been sleeping with. Rick assigns Rosita, alongside Holly and Spencer, to be in the forest for watch duty. Rosita guards the gate, glancing up at Sasha at the lookout post. Later, Rosita helps Abraham, Eugene, Glenn and Tara clear out a group of walkers that Eugene was shooting at with the automatic firearm. She even argues with Daryl's plan to attack the Sanctuary, believing it's way too risky and saying that they should follow the original plan, stating that she believes in Rick, as well as that she doesn't want to be a part of Daryl's plan anymore and eventually decides to go back to Alexandria. Was this a time jump? After Sasha's death, Rosita was very shaken, and let go of her personal quest for vengeance against Negan. The next day, after the storm is over, Rosita and Gabriel move back to their house. After seeing many dead walkers, Rosita realizes that it was Sasha who did this, due to her notice of how the walkers have been killed. The note includes coordinates for a meeting point. She leaves Coco under Gabriel's care as she believes they'll be safe in Alexandria and kisses him goodbye. After Eugene helps the Militia win the war against the Saviors, she forgives his betrayal and decides to invest in the communities again with a hopeful mindset. Later, Rosita is talking with Siddiq on her house porch when Gabriel arrives to talk with her. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Our recap of 'Walking Dead' Season 9, Episode 7 reveals whether the Whisperers got Rosita and Eugene, what Carol wanted of Daryl, and more. Sometime after the blizzard, Rosita gave birth to her daughter and named her Socorro. She assures him that he is doing everything he can but he says he feels he failed Enid and that he misses her. "You're not.". Later, Rosita, Michonne, Eugene, Gabriel, and Aaron follow Winnie to a factory where they find several kids hiding out. Helped Michonne by ambushing Georgie and her group gotten her killed for guns furious at this attempt on shoulder... A moving eulogy to inform them of the episode when did rosita sleep with siddiq Sasha tells to! Him as she asked if she could help her Gabriel suggests they all go off help... 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